domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011

That's all folks!!

Hello!!!!What's up???

Well, the semester is ending and so the blog. This is the last blog spot I write. I must adimit that even though sometimes was a big difficult to write anything on the blog because I run out ideas, I think it was an interesting activity to improve our writen.

Well, hope this semester the topics were a bit more interesting that in the last one, I promise I tryied but sometimes I realize that the blog spot weren't very fascinating... Hope you have a great time reading me!!!=)

So, that's all folks!

See youuuuu!!!! =)

Ghosts of Spain

Hello!!How are you???

This semester we read in English class a book about the customs from Spain told for an English man. The author talks about things and customs from Spain that sometimes Spanish people don’t realize they do unless they listen or read it. In some occasions, when you were reading the book this was funny and you always have an anecdote or experience that was very close to the author was saying. I specially remember the chapter about Spanish health system; I like it and spend a good time reading it. The book was quite good because it compares Spanish culture and the British one, and it’s surprising to see how different they are. But on the other hand, I think in this book is very present the dictator Franco and, may be, from a reader who isn’t Spanish seems that the country has the ideology and some kind of repression that were present in the dictator’s time.
Even though, there was nothing that specially annoyed me, but the book is full of Spanish topics and sometimes the reader believe that all Spaniards are identically and make the same things. But, I suppose that this is the problem when you read a book about your culture, you never agree with all it is said even though it’s true.

sábado, 14 de mayo de 2011

The Shawshank Redemption

Hello!! I’m here again! =)

Yesterday was Friday, and as all the Friday I watch a film with some friends. At first, we didn’t know which film we could watch and after arguing a bit we decided to watch The Shawshank Redemption, a film based on a novel written by Stephen King.

The film portrays the story of Andy Dufresne, a banker who spends nearly two decades in Shawshank State Prison for the murder of his wife and her lover despite his claims of being innocent. During his time at the prison, he befriends a fellow inmate, Ellis "Red" Redding, and finds himself protected by the guards after the warden begins using him in his money laundering operation.

Is a very interesting film, I spend a great time watching it. At first I wasn’t sure it was going to be a good film, but when we started it I was very interested in it since the very first moment!

I recommend it!!

See you soon!

I don’t know what to write!

Hello!!How are you??How was your week??

Well, I was a bit busy and stressed because exams are coming up and we have lots of work and things to study. One of the things we have to finish is the English blog and, honestly I don’t have any idea to what to write on it to finish the 4000 words!

So, I was thinking and I decided to write about that I don’t know what to write about, do you understand me?

Yes, yes, I know, this isn’t an interesting topic and maybe is very typical but look! Writing about this, I already have 100 words more!!=)

Well now without jokes, I will try to think about more topics to write here, and with which I can be more extensive, since then I have a blog spot a bit absurd.

See you soon, very soon!! =)

miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2011


Hello! How are you??Well, as you can see I've been a little bit buzy so I couldn't write a anything; but don't worry,I'm here again!=)

Today I want to explain you that we aren't capables to make a simple pizza in the oven! Well, let's to explain better.

Last Friday we went to a friend's house to see a film and when we finished we decided to buy some pizzas and snaks in the supermarket, have dinner in the house and spend the night there. When we started to put the pizzas in the oven we raelize that the oven was too small and we only could make one pizza each time. Seen that, we decided to "solve" the problem and, I don't know how, we put two pizzas in the oven. It was a bad, very bad idea.

Well, when we considered the pizza was already cooked, we went to the kitchen and when we opened the oven a white smoke fill up all teh  house. It was a disaster because one pizza was raw and the other was completely burned. Finally we opened all the doors and the windows and the smoke disapered and we continued cooking the pizzas, this time only one! But in the oven were pieces of the burned pizza and the white smoke came back again.

Finally we could have dinner and we didn't fired the house and even though at firt we were a bit worried, we have to admit that we had a great time!!

See you soon!!!=)

miércoles, 27 de abril de 2011

The Black Swan

How are youuu???=) How was your weekend??

Mine was a bit boring! We were at a friend's house and we decided to watch a film, after thinking a lot we decide to watch The Black Swan. A friend told as that it wasn't as good as it was told but it win an Oscar, so we want to see it.

The film is about a young girl who is a ballerina. The company where she dances wants to represent The Swan Lake but in a special way, the director wants the same ballerina for the Black Swan and the White Swan role. After a casting the young girl get the main character and starts practicing, but the responsability of being the star causes on her psichological disorders.

Being honest, I spect more about the film, I don't mean is a bad film and I don't regret having seen it but I don't like so much.

Have you seen it??

See you soon!!!=)

sábado, 9 de abril de 2011

The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby is a book writen by F. Scott Fitzgeral. Have you read it?

The narrator is Nick Carraway, a young bachelor from a Midwestern family, who after fighting in the World War I goes to New York City to learn the bond business.
Nick explains Gatsby story. Gatsby is a mysterious and rich man but a bit lonely and without friends.  But all he wants is to get Daisy, his love when he was a teenager.
Jay Gatsby is a young rich man with a past a little bit strange: nobody knows why he has so much money, but they suspect he could get it from selling alcohol illegally; others think that probably he is a German spy in the World War I.
The only propose of Gatsby is making Daisy fall in love with him, but Daisy is married with a millionaire called Tom Buchanan and have a daughter. Even though this is not a problem for Gatsby who starts to date with her, and Daisy, bored of her life and her husband, soon starts to enjoy the Gatsby attention.
On the other hand Daisy’s husband has a mistress too, Myrtle. One afternoon after an argument between Gatsby and Tom for Daisy, Daisy runs over Myrtle and the last one die. Tom cheats on Tom and says that was Gatsby who have killed Myrtle. Tom red with furious go to Gatsby house and shot him.
The rich Gatsby die alone, and in his funeral there’s nobody, neither Daisy. Gatsby die in the same mystery that he had lived.

I enjoy reading this book, hope you too!
See you soon!=)

jueves, 7 de abril de 2011


Hi!=) How are you?? How was your week?? Had you come to Magdalena?

As you probably know, last week was Magdalena and all Castelló was a city whole of people and party. There was lots of activities, festivals and concerts like El Pregó or a Seguridad Social concert. It was a really funny week because aprat from the party all of my friends that are studying in barcelona could come so we spent togheter every single day. It was fantastic!

But when last week finished we have to come back to our diary lives and after so many parties and sleeping lees than five hours per day, coming back to the univesity was a big deal.

Now, I'm restored and I can say that last week was marvelous and one of my favourites Magdalenas!=)

martes, 22 de marzo de 2011


Last weekend Valencia were in Fallas and we decided to spernd two day there enjoying the party!

We went there on Friday evening, I must admit we arrived very late at Valencia because we lost the firt train. Well, when we were in Valencia we went ot a friend house, where we sateyed all the weekend, to leave there our bags and quickly we went shoping before they close the supermarket. After that we have dinner and started talking, laughing... and when it was about three o'clock on the morning we went out to see the party atmosphere. That night we went tp El Carmen neighbourhood, there there were so many people making noise and party. After a little walk, we decided to go in a pub, where there was good music and we spent the rest of the night there. We get so tired and decided to return home, we spent a whole hour trying to call a taxi but after that we went back on food, it's was exhausting!

The next day, we  were sleeping all the morning and when we got up, we have something tyo eat. After that we tidied up a little bit the house and went for a walk and see some fallas. It was fantastic! That night we were so tired so we see La Cremà and after that we went to café and we were talking, laughing while we were drinking something hot. When we went back home, we see a film.

I have a really good weekend with all of my friends! =)

It was fantastic!!!!

How about you? How was your weekend???

See you soon!!! =)

martes, 15 de marzo de 2011

Piano man

Have you ever listen this song?? I really like it when I listen for the first time and when I read its lyrics I liked it even more.
Here you have the lirics, it's a bit long but I think is worthy:

It's nine o'clock on a Saturday
The regular crowd shuffles in
There's an old man sitting next to me
Makin' love to his tonic and gin

He says, "Son, can you play me a memory
I'm not really sure how it goes
But it's sad and it's sweet and I knew it complete
When I wore a younger man's clothes."

Sing us a song, you're the piano man
Sing us a song tonight
Well, we're all in the mood for a melody
And you've got us all feelin' all right

Now John at the bar is a friend of mine
He gets me my drinks for free
And he's quick with a joke and he'll light up your smoke
But there's some place that he'd rather be
He says, "Bill, I believe this is killing me."
As his smile ran away from his face
"Well I'm sure that I could be a movie star
If I could get out of this place"

Now Paul is a real estate novelist
Who never had time for a wife
And he's talkin' with Davy, who's still in the Navy
And probably will be for life

And the waitress is practicing politics
As the businessman slowly gets stoned
Yes, they're sharing a drink they call loneliness
But it's better than drinkin' alone

It's a pretty good crowd for a Saturday
And the manager gives me a smile
'Cause he knows that it's me they've been comin' to see
To forget about their life for a while
And the piano, it sounds like a carnivore
And the microphone smells like a beer
And they sit at the bar and put bread in my jar
And say, "Man, what are you doin' here?"


And here you have the song:

Hope you enjoy it! =)

Reduce the number of car accidents.

Hello! How was your day??

With the new law to reduce the speed limit in roads to 110, there had been lots of protests, but what can be done to reduce the number of acr accidents?
During the last years the number of car accidents has been reduced thanks to the new laws on the road.
I think these new laws just obligue you to do some simple things which can save your life. At the same time they help drivers to be aware of hte dangers on the road. It seems these laws work because the number of fatal accidents has been reduced. But nowadays there ia a new law: to reduce the speed limit, is this law eficient?
From my point of view, there are a lot of things that we can do in order to reduce traffic accidents. Some of these recomendations are: not to talk on the phone, to fasten the seat belt or not to operate the GPS.

Well, it's really difficult to determine if the new law is going to work or not, but...

See you soon, and remember. BE CAREFUL!!! =)

lunes, 14 de marzo de 2011

MTV winter!!

Hello!! How time ago!!! How are you??

As you probably know, last weekend was in Valencia the MTV winter. This is a festival with lots of concerts, it’s a really good opportunity to see your favourite groups for free and have a great time!

As you can imagine, we went to Valencia to enjoy this festival!

At first it was raining, so we thought we couldn’t go, but finally it stopped and we could listen two of the concerts. We have two friends that are studding in Valencia so we decided to spend the night in their flat. When we arrived at the city we went to shop the dinner and after that we went to their flat to get dressed for the occasion and eat a little bit. Then we were to the concert and we watched playing Sum 41 and My Chemical Romance. IT WAS AMAZING! I must admit I never had listened any of these groups but I really had a good time dancing all their songs.

After the concert we were tired and went back to the flat to eat something and after went out to paint red Valencia, but before talking, laughing eating and drinking we realise that we were so so so tired to going out. So finally we decided to stay at home and watch a film.

I really had a good time in Valencia, and even though we didn’t go out for some party, I enjoy a lot with the MTV festival!

See you soon!!!!!! =)

domingo, 27 de febrero de 2011

Paelles 2011!!!

Hello again!!! How are you??

I guess you know that last friday was Paelles Party in the university! Every year UJI makes this party to celebrate its "birthday". In that day the students make a t-shirt with a funny sentence related with the carrer that htey are studying and make a paella or torrà (which is easier) and spend all the day in the university with their classmates dancing, eating, drinking, singing.... =)

Well, this is our first year on the university so we were looking forward to go to this party! I must admit that I had a very good time with my friends and classmates. We decided to make a torrà becase we had a very few idea how to make a paella!

Our class decided to make a t-shirt with the sentence: Actually, I'm very embarrassed.... Interprétalo como quieras. It was funny because there was about one hundred people with the same t-shirt!

As I said before, I have a very good time!! And I hope next year we do the same!!!!

See you soon!!!! =)

lunes, 21 de febrero de 2011

Is playing computer games a waste of time?

Hey!! Last week I read in a newspaper that children paly lot with computer games....

Nowadays children play computer games instead of going out to play with their friends. So, this change in the way of living had provoked some debates.

It is belived playing computer games is a waste of time, because children don't read books or taste exercise. However, it has been demonstrated that children who play computer games can make decisions in a faster way than the other who don't do it.

One of the advantages could be the fact that children can learn lots of things from computer games. For example, history or language, as the first computer games were made in English. On the other hand, they can cause addiction among children, who would be all the day playing, and they wouldn't be able to socialize with other people.

To sum up, computer games can be useful, in the sense that you can learn a lot and it can be helpful to relax you. But, at the same time, you must control the time you spend in front of your computer.

Well, that's my opinion... what do you think about it??

See you soon!!

Last summer!

Hello!! What's up??

Yesterday I was speking with some friend and suddenly I remember one of my best summers!

Last summer I was told to spend July in York, a city in Yorkshire, England. At first, I was very nervous because I thought I wouldn't be able to spend the whole month speaking English and with a familiy that wasn't mine.

The first day we went by bus to Alicante airport and during the journey we met each other, nd we thought that these people, then strange, would become our friends during a month. Honestly, I was terrified!

After a long journey, because we landed in London and we had to go to York that was, at least, three hours away; we knew our families and went to their, well our, houses. When I arrived, we introduce ourselves and suddenly I forgot all my English, I was so nevous that I couldn't remember even how to say my name. But during the first days the familiy helped me a lot and at thet end of that week it was like my house and York was like mu city.

 I have to addmit that I didn't speak a lot of English but the experience was fantastic and now I would go back to spend two months!

=) How about you?? Have you ever spent a month in another country???Hope ye, and if not...please DO IT!! You will enjoy

sábado, 19 de febrero de 2011


Hello! How was your week?

Mine was a bit boring... I was ill =( Now it's the time of the flu, and guess who had it? Yes, me!!
Well the matter is that as I was ill and I had to spent two days in bed, I had plenty time to surfer on the Internet.

So, one afternoon I decided to watch a film and searching searching I found a website where you can vote all the films you watched. It's really interesting because you can look for people who like the same films as you and recommend they your favorite films.

May be it isn't seem interesting but believe me when I say that if you start voting you can't stop, and you want to watch more and more films to vote them and recommend them to your virtual friends.

Apart from that, in this web you can find all the films you want in almost all the languages, shorts, documentary....

Well, as you see, I love this web that is because I recommend it to you.

Here you have the link:

Hope you like!!

See you soon.

sábado, 12 de febrero de 2011


Yesterday we were so bored, so we decided to spend the whole evening watching videos on YouTube. I must admit some of them were really boring or awful but we found a short really interesting and beautiful.

It was called Validation. This short is the story of a man who is always trying make people smile, and he always get it. But suddenly, one day he met a beautiful girl and soon he gets in love with her. The problem is that the girl never smiles and the poor man never gets it. Step by step the man loses his wish for make people smile but one day....
I'm not going to tell you the end of the film because it is really worthy.

I strong recommend it. And so, here you have the short.

Hope you enjoy it!=)
And remember.... SMILE!!!!! =)

martes, 8 de febrero de 2011

Here again!

Hello! How time ago!

Well, I'm here again. How are you?

This semeseter we have to write in a blog, so I decided to continue with this one. This time I'm going to try to make this more interesting and funny, but I don't know how it would result because I must admit that when I'm in front of the computer I don't really know how to begin or even what I must write. But, as I said before, I WILL TRY.

I have been thinking and this semester, apart from explaining the books I've read, the films I've watched or occasionally thing that happened to me or to my friends; I want to write about interesting news or funny facts. Make sure I'm going to try this but really, I don't promise anything.

So, I'm here again and hope this time you will enjoy the most of this blog.

See you soon, then!!

domingo, 9 de enero de 2011

EXAMS...Oh my God!!!

Hello!How are you???
I guess wound up isn’t it???It’s exams time and everybody is in the library, the air is full of nerves and people are very irascible.
Here goes my advice: be calm, have a breath deep and relax. Yes, yes, I know it’s difficult but getting more and more nervous doesn’t help you to concentrate, so…
And finally…. GOOD LUCK EVERYBODY!!!!
Probably this month is going to be a bit difficult but I’m sure we will go beyond.
GOOD LUCK AGAIN and see you after the exams!:)

Lisey's story.

Hello people!!!!:D How was your day???
Have I talked you about Lisey’s Story, a book by Stephen King? This is a phsycological terror novel and it’s really interesting.
The novel is about Lisey Landon, who is the widow of a famous and wildly successful novelist, Scott Landon. The book tells two stories—Lisey's story in the present, and the story of her dead husband's life, as remembered by Lisey during the course of the novel.
It has been two years since her husband's death, and Lisey is in the process of cleaning out her dead husband's writing area. A series of events occurs that causes Lisey to begin facing certain realities about her husband that she had repressed and forgotten. As Lisey is stalked, terrorized, and then mutilated by an insane fan of her husband's, Lisey begins recalling her husband's past—how he came from a family with a history of horrible mental illness that manifested as either an uncontrollable homicidal mania or as a deep catatonia, how he had a special gift, an ability to transport himself to another world, called by Scott Landon "Boo'ya Moon," how Scott Landon's brother was murdered by his father when his brother manifested an incurable insanity, and finally how Scott Landon murdered his father to save his father from the madness that had finally taken him over.
As the novel progresses we see the complexity of Lisey's marriage to Scott, and their deep and abiding love for each other. The novel takes place over a very short period of time—a matter of days—but the real story is told in Lisey's remembrances of her husband, her ability to harness his special power to save herself (and her sister), and finally to find the gift that her dead husband had left for her in Boo'ya Moon—a story just for Lisey. Lisey's story.
I have a special good time reading this book, so I strong recommend it. This is not a typical horror story by King and I think it become really interesting by the first pages until the end.
Read it, I’m sure you will enjoy!!

Life is Beautiful

Hiiii everybody!!!! How are you????
Today I’m going to talk about a very beautiful film, that I guess most of you have seen: Life is Beautiful.
Here you have the plot:
Guido is both funny and charismatic, especially when he romances a local school teacher, Dora. Dora, however comes from a wealthy, aristocratic, non-Jewish Italian family. Dora's mother wants her to marry a well-to-do civil servant, but Dora falls instead for Guido where he ends up stealing her away at her engagement party from her aristocratic but arrogant fiancé.
Several years pass in which Guido and Dora marry and have a son, Joshua.
In the second half of the film, The Second World War has already begun. Guido, Uncle Eliseo, and Joshua are forced onto a train and taken to a concentration camp on Joshua's birthday. Dora demands to be on the same train to join her family and is permitted to do so.
In the camp, Guido hides his son from the Nazi guards, sneaks him food, and tries to humor him. In an attempt to keep up Joshua's spirits, Guido convinces him that the camp is just a game, in which the first person to get 1,000 points wins a tank. He tells him that if he cries, complains that he wants his mother, or says that he is hungry, he will lose points, while quiet boys who hide from the camp guards earn 1,000 points.
I think this is one of the most beautiful and sad films I ever had seen, and I hope you enjoy the same as me watching it.
See you soon!!!=)

miércoles, 5 de enero de 2011


Hi again!!How was your day??I hope fine!!

            Yesterday we went to a friend’s house and watched a film, so I want to share with us the night but specially the film.
            We have dinner and after that we switch on the TV and we realized that there was a quite funny film: Shrek. Did you watch it?? It’s a really funny film, isn’t it??
            Shrek is grumpy, smelly and ugly ogre, living peacefully in a swamp. One night, he suddenly finds his land has been squatted by a mass of fairy-tale creatures (Pinocchio, the three little pigs, Peter Pan, Snow White, Cinderella, among others), who have been banished by the evil Lord Farquaad. One of these is donkey (who just won't shut up). Accompanied by him, Shrek confronts Lord Farquaad, demanding his land back. Farquaad does him a deal, telling him to rescue Princess Fiona from a dragon-guarded castle, to get his swamp back.
                Shrek and Donkey go and rescue the Princess, narrowly avoiding being burned by the dragon, who tries to seduce Donkey (being a girl Dragon!). Fiona is disgruntled about being rescued by an ugly ogre, rather than Prince Charming. However, despite their differences, she and Shrek grow fond of each other.
                On the second night of their return journey, Fiona hides in a windmill. Donkey finds her, and discovers that she's turned into an ogress. She explains that she's under a spell, which can only be broken by true love's first kiss. Shrek overhears part of this, but misunderstands and thinks she doesn't love him because he's ugly.
                Just as she decides to tell Shrek the truth, the sun rises and she becomes a beautiful princess again. Lord Farquaad arrives and takes Fiona to his castle, and Shrek returns to his swamp. Both are miserable.
                Later, Shrek, Donkey and Dragon head to Farquaad's castle, to try to stop Fiona marrying him. When they arrive, the sun sets and Fiona becomes an ogress again. Farquaad doesn't want to marry her, and sets the guards on everybody, but Dragon comes to the rescue and eats Farquaad up. Shrek and Fiona kiss. Therefore, Fiona stays ugly (in conformity with the spell: "you find true love's first kiss and then take love's true form"), and marries Shrek, and they live "ugly" ever after.

I hope if you watch the film, you enjoy it!!
See you!!!!

The Shadow of the Wind

Hellooo!!! How are you???

            Today I’m going to talk about one of my favorite books: The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. I’ve read this book about four or five times and I never get tired and interested in it, is a wonderful book.

            The novel, set in post–Spanish Civil War Barcelona, concerns a young boy, Daniel. Just after the war, Daniel's father takes him to the secret Cemetery of Forgotten Books, a huge library of old, forgotten titles lovingly preserved by a select few initiates. According to tradition, everyone initiated to this secret place is allowed to take one book from it, and must protect it for life. Daniel selects a book called The Shadow of the Wind by Julián Carax. That night he takes the book home and reads it, completely engrossed. Daniel then attempts to look for other books by this unknown author, but can find none. All he comes across are stories of a strange man – calling himself Laín Coubert, after a character in the book who happens to be the Devil – who has been seeking out Carax's books for decades, buying them all and burning them.
            I love this book and its author and I must admit that I’ve read almost all the novels by Zafon.
             Carlos Ruiz Zafon writes thriller or horror books but with an argument and I’m sure if you start reading any of his book you become a fan.
             So, I strong recommend The Shadow of the Wind, but any other book of Zafon will be great.
                                        See you soon!!

lunes, 3 de enero de 2011

The House of Wax

Hiiii!!! How are you???

Yesterday we went to have dinner at a friend’s house and after eating we saw The house of Wax, a horror film.

Here you have the plot:

Teenage friends Nick Jones, Wade, Dalton Chapman, Blake, Curly Jones and Paige Edwards must camp in a godforsaken part of Louisiana on their way to a college football game and get a good scare finding a pile of deer meat and one human arm- fake. After the fan belt of Wade's car breaks he decides, not really a fan anyway, to stay behind with his girl while the others drove on. The pair accepts a local's ride, but rather rudely makes him stop doubting his sincerity, as turns out just outside the nearest town he tipped them off to have a garage. It's a sleepy place, where they are scolding for interrupting a funeral to get the mechanic. Waiting for him, they wonder into the town's only attraction, a nevertheless empty wax figures museum. After his arrival, they split up and their nightmare starts, ultimately being captured and tortured by a madman, or two, who already produced the wax people from once live ones. Meanwhile the other mates gave up braving a traffic jam that made them loose too much time to attend the match, and return, only to fall prey themselves. Still some survive and fight back.

Honestly, I don’t like it very much but if you like the horror film make sure you have a great time!!!

It’s a film full of blood and few frights but it’s a good method to spent the night, have a great time with friends and be a little bit frightened.

See you sooner!!!

Happy 2011!!!

Happy New Year!!!!

How was your night??? Did you stay at home?? Did you go out with friends??Did you go out with your family??

Well, today I’m going to explain how I spent my night. We went to a friend’s village to spend the night; it was a small one so there weren’t many people. When we arrived we started to cook the dinner and preparing the party. After that we get dressed and started eating the meat and the whole dinner. When we finished, quickly we prepared the twelve grapes and went to the main square of the village to listen the twelve stokes. And then we celebrated the New Year with songs and dance.

As you see, we spent the entire night dancing and singing. I have a really good time with all of my friends and at 6 in the morning we decided to go to the bed because we were exhausted.

I hope you spent a great time too and that the New Year will be your year.

Happy 2011!!!!

See you soon!!!!