sábado, 19 de febrero de 2011


Hello! How was your week?

Mine was a bit boring... I was ill =( Now it's the time of the flu, and guess who had it? Yes, me!!
Well the matter is that as I was ill and I had to spent two days in bed, I had plenty time to surfer on the Internet.

So, one afternoon I decided to watch a film and searching searching I found a website where you can vote all the films you watched. It's really interesting because you can look for people who like the same films as you and recommend they your favorite films.

May be it isn't seem interesting but believe me when I say that if you start voting you can't stop, and you want to watch more and more films to vote them and recommend them to your virtual friends.

Apart from that, in this web you can find all the films you want in almost all the languages, shorts, documentary....

Well, as you see, I love this web that is because I recommend it to you.

Here you have the link:

Hope you like!!

See you soon.

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