domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011

Ghosts of Spain

Hello!!How are you???

This semester we read in English class a book about the customs from Spain told for an English man. The author talks about things and customs from Spain that sometimes Spanish people don’t realize they do unless they listen or read it. In some occasions, when you were reading the book this was funny and you always have an anecdote or experience that was very close to the author was saying. I specially remember the chapter about Spanish health system; I like it and spend a good time reading it. The book was quite good because it compares Spanish culture and the British one, and it’s surprising to see how different they are. But on the other hand, I think in this book is very present the dictator Franco and, may be, from a reader who isn’t Spanish seems that the country has the ideology and some kind of repression that were present in the dictator’s time.
Even though, there was nothing that specially annoyed me, but the book is full of Spanish topics and sometimes the reader believe that all Spaniards are identically and make the same things. But, I suppose that this is the problem when you read a book about your culture, you never agree with all it is said even though it’s true.

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