sábado, 14 de mayo de 2011

I don’t know what to write!

Hello!!How are you??How was your week??

Well, I was a bit busy and stressed because exams are coming up and we have lots of work and things to study. One of the things we have to finish is the English blog and, honestly I don’t have any idea to what to write on it to finish the 4000 words!

So, I was thinking and I decided to write about that I don’t know what to write about, do you understand me?

Yes, yes, I know, this isn’t an interesting topic and maybe is very typical but look! Writing about this, I already have 100 words more!!=)

Well now without jokes, I will try to think about more topics to write here, and with which I can be more extensive, since then I have a blog spot a bit absurd.

See you soon, very soon!! =)

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