lunes, 3 de enero de 2011

Happy 2011!!!

Happy New Year!!!!

How was your night??? Did you stay at home?? Did you go out with friends??Did you go out with your family??

Well, today I’m going to explain how I spent my night. We went to a friend’s village to spend the night; it was a small one so there weren’t many people. When we arrived we started to cook the dinner and preparing the party. After that we get dressed and started eating the meat and the whole dinner. When we finished, quickly we prepared the twelve grapes and went to the main square of the village to listen the twelve stokes. And then we celebrated the New Year with songs and dance.

As you see, we spent the entire night dancing and singing. I have a really good time with all of my friends and at 6 in the morning we decided to go to the bed because we were exhausted.

I hope you spent a great time too and that the New Year will be your year.

Happy 2011!!!!

See you soon!!!!

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