domingo, 9 de enero de 2011

Life is Beautiful

Hiiii everybody!!!! How are you????
Today I’m going to talk about a very beautiful film, that I guess most of you have seen: Life is Beautiful.
Here you have the plot:
Guido is both funny and charismatic, especially when he romances a local school teacher, Dora. Dora, however comes from a wealthy, aristocratic, non-Jewish Italian family. Dora's mother wants her to marry a well-to-do civil servant, but Dora falls instead for Guido where he ends up stealing her away at her engagement party from her aristocratic but arrogant fiancé.
Several years pass in which Guido and Dora marry and have a son, Joshua.
In the second half of the film, The Second World War has already begun. Guido, Uncle Eliseo, and Joshua are forced onto a train and taken to a concentration camp on Joshua's birthday. Dora demands to be on the same train to join her family and is permitted to do so.
In the camp, Guido hides his son from the Nazi guards, sneaks him food, and tries to humor him. In an attempt to keep up Joshua's spirits, Guido convinces him that the camp is just a game, in which the first person to get 1,000 points wins a tank. He tells him that if he cries, complains that he wants his mother, or says that he is hungry, he will lose points, while quiet boys who hide from the camp guards earn 1,000 points.
I think this is one of the most beautiful and sad films I ever had seen, and I hope you enjoy the same as me watching it.
See you soon!!!=)

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