martes, 22 de marzo de 2011


Last weekend Valencia were in Fallas and we decided to spernd two day there enjoying the party!

We went there on Friday evening, I must admit we arrived very late at Valencia because we lost the firt train. Well, when we were in Valencia we went ot a friend house, where we sateyed all the weekend, to leave there our bags and quickly we went shoping before they close the supermarket. After that we have dinner and started talking, laughing... and when it was about three o'clock on the morning we went out to see the party atmosphere. That night we went tp El Carmen neighbourhood, there there were so many people making noise and party. After a little walk, we decided to go in a pub, where there was good music and we spent the rest of the night there. We get so tired and decided to return home, we spent a whole hour trying to call a taxi but after that we went back on food, it's was exhausting!

The next day, we  were sleeping all the morning and when we got up, we have something tyo eat. After that we tidied up a little bit the house and went for a walk and see some fallas. It was fantastic! That night we were so tired so we see La Cremà and after that we went to café and we were talking, laughing while we were drinking something hot. When we went back home, we see a film.

I have a really good weekend with all of my friends! =)

It was fantastic!!!!

How about you? How was your weekend???

See you soon!!! =)

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