martes, 15 de marzo de 2011

Reduce the number of car accidents.

Hello! How was your day??

With the new law to reduce the speed limit in roads to 110, there had been lots of protests, but what can be done to reduce the number of acr accidents?
During the last years the number of car accidents has been reduced thanks to the new laws on the road.
I think these new laws just obligue you to do some simple things which can save your life. At the same time they help drivers to be aware of hte dangers on the road. It seems these laws work because the number of fatal accidents has been reduced. But nowadays there ia a new law: to reduce the speed limit, is this law eficient?
From my point of view, there are a lot of things that we can do in order to reduce traffic accidents. Some of these recomendations are: not to talk on the phone, to fasten the seat belt or not to operate the GPS.

Well, it's really difficult to determine if the new law is going to work or not, but...

See you soon, and remember. BE CAREFUL!!! =)

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