domingo, 27 de febrero de 2011

Paelles 2011!!!

Hello again!!! How are you??

I guess you know that last friday was Paelles Party in the university! Every year UJI makes this party to celebrate its "birthday". In that day the students make a t-shirt with a funny sentence related with the carrer that htey are studying and make a paella or torrà (which is easier) and spend all the day in the university with their classmates dancing, eating, drinking, singing.... =)

Well, this is our first year on the university so we were looking forward to go to this party! I must admit that I had a very good time with my friends and classmates. We decided to make a torrà becase we had a very few idea how to make a paella!

Our class decided to make a t-shirt with the sentence: Actually, I'm very embarrassed.... Interprétalo como quieras. It was funny because there was about one hundred people with the same t-shirt!

As I said before, I have a very good time!! And I hope next year we do the same!!!!

See you soon!!!! =)

lunes, 21 de febrero de 2011

Is playing computer games a waste of time?

Hey!! Last week I read in a newspaper that children paly lot with computer games....

Nowadays children play computer games instead of going out to play with their friends. So, this change in the way of living had provoked some debates.

It is belived playing computer games is a waste of time, because children don't read books or taste exercise. However, it has been demonstrated that children who play computer games can make decisions in a faster way than the other who don't do it.

One of the advantages could be the fact that children can learn lots of things from computer games. For example, history or language, as the first computer games were made in English. On the other hand, they can cause addiction among children, who would be all the day playing, and they wouldn't be able to socialize with other people.

To sum up, computer games can be useful, in the sense that you can learn a lot and it can be helpful to relax you. But, at the same time, you must control the time you spend in front of your computer.

Well, that's my opinion... what do you think about it??

See you soon!!

Last summer!

Hello!! What's up??

Yesterday I was speking with some friend and suddenly I remember one of my best summers!

Last summer I was told to spend July in York, a city in Yorkshire, England. At first, I was very nervous because I thought I wouldn't be able to spend the whole month speaking English and with a familiy that wasn't mine.

The first day we went by bus to Alicante airport and during the journey we met each other, nd we thought that these people, then strange, would become our friends during a month. Honestly, I was terrified!

After a long journey, because we landed in London and we had to go to York that was, at least, three hours away; we knew our families and went to their, well our, houses. When I arrived, we introduce ourselves and suddenly I forgot all my English, I was so nevous that I couldn't remember even how to say my name. But during the first days the familiy helped me a lot and at thet end of that week it was like my house and York was like mu city.

 I have to addmit that I didn't speak a lot of English but the experience was fantastic and now I would go back to spend two months!

=) How about you?? Have you ever spent a month in another country???Hope ye, and if not...please DO IT!! You will enjoy

sábado, 19 de febrero de 2011


Hello! How was your week?

Mine was a bit boring... I was ill =( Now it's the time of the flu, and guess who had it? Yes, me!!
Well the matter is that as I was ill and I had to spent two days in bed, I had plenty time to surfer on the Internet.

So, one afternoon I decided to watch a film and searching searching I found a website where you can vote all the films you watched. It's really interesting because you can look for people who like the same films as you and recommend they your favorite films.

May be it isn't seem interesting but believe me when I say that if you start voting you can't stop, and you want to watch more and more films to vote them and recommend them to your virtual friends.

Apart from that, in this web you can find all the films you want in almost all the languages, shorts, documentary....

Well, as you see, I love this web that is because I recommend it to you.

Here you have the link:

Hope you like!!

See you soon.

sábado, 12 de febrero de 2011


Yesterday we were so bored, so we decided to spend the whole evening watching videos on YouTube. I must admit some of them were really boring or awful but we found a short really interesting and beautiful.

It was called Validation. This short is the story of a man who is always trying make people smile, and he always get it. But suddenly, one day he met a beautiful girl and soon he gets in love with her. The problem is that the girl never smiles and the poor man never gets it. Step by step the man loses his wish for make people smile but one day....
I'm not going to tell you the end of the film because it is really worthy.

I strong recommend it. And so, here you have the short.

Hope you enjoy it!=)
And remember.... SMILE!!!!! =)

martes, 8 de febrero de 2011

Here again!

Hello! How time ago!

Well, I'm here again. How are you?

This semeseter we have to write in a blog, so I decided to continue with this one. This time I'm going to try to make this more interesting and funny, but I don't know how it would result because I must admit that when I'm in front of the computer I don't really know how to begin or even what I must write. But, as I said before, I WILL TRY.

I have been thinking and this semester, apart from explaining the books I've read, the films I've watched or occasionally thing that happened to me or to my friends; I want to write about interesting news or funny facts. Make sure I'm going to try this but really, I don't promise anything.

So, I'm here again and hope this time you will enjoy the most of this blog.

See you soon, then!!