lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010

Smoke or not to smoke?, that's the question!

Should we ban smoking in all public places?

                This is a complicated topic because nowadays there are more and more smoking people in our society, I mean, a lot of people want to smoke in public places because they need it. So, if we ban smoking in all public places there will be a huge amount of citizens disappointed.

                But, in the other hand, it’s disgusting when a non smoking person goes into a bar and he/she can’t see anything or doesn’t stay very long because of the smoke. Other reason we should ban smoking in public places is children. In my opinion, if smoking is very bad for adults, it’s even unhealthier for children. And they have the same right than an adult to stay in a café with his parents, enjoying an air without smoke.

                So, banning smoking in all public places will produce disappointments indeed.
In conclusion, I believe that the solution isn’t ban smoke in ALL public places; we should adapt the places for non smoking and smoking people. And with the buildings with public organizations, I think that it must be forbidden to smoke.

                But, as I said before, this is a very complicated topic and I’m sure that lots of people have many opinions about this. So, we only can expect that the government finds out the best solution, isn’t it??

                See you soon!!!

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