viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2010

The Pillars of the Earth.

I’ve just read “The Pillars of the Earth” by Ken Follet.
                The book is about the construction of a cathedral in the fictional town of Kingbridge, in England. During the building, the workers have lots of problems: money, lack of builders, treason… Even though, finally they can build the best cathedral in the whole England.
                “The Pillars of the Earth” is an interesting book, although it’s long enough. If you like the architecture, make sure you enjoy it. On the other hand, if you dislike it, maybe you will be bored in some parts, for example when the cathedral is described, but I’m sure that it will be small parts and you will continue reading because is an exciting book.
                Personally, I enjoy the reading but, as I say before, I get bored in some parts because I don’t like the description of the different parts and element of the architectural.
                The book was so successful that a serial was made.
                So, I strong recommend the book, but if you don’t like reading, you can see the serial.

                 See you soon!!!=D

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