lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010

Barcelona's weekend!

Hi! How are you??

                Do you remember I told you that I was going to Barcelona??Yes?? So I have been there this weekend!!=)

                When we finished our lessons we went to the train station and took the train to Barcelona. During the travel we were so nervous because we wanted to see as soon as possible our friends and Barcelona. Finally we arrived to the city at 10 o’clock and took another train to go to Irene’s house.

                When we arrived there, we were talking and talking because there was many time ago we didn’t see each other. And after a while, we went to bed because the next day was going to be a very busy day.

                 It was 7 o’clock in the morning when the waked up, and after make some sandwich for lunch, have a shower and have the breakfast; we took again the train to go to the city. When we were there we started to do some sightseeing, well we spent all the morning and the evening!=)

                We visited the Park Güell, Les Rambles, El Passeig de Gràcia, La Pedrera, El Port, the cathedral and it neighborhood… It was all amazing!

                We took the bus, the train, the underground (that was a good experience because in Castelló there isn’t), we went by foot… I must admit that we were so tired but we didn’t want to stop!

                When we finished visiting the city we went back to the house to get ready for the night. There we make diner, we dress up and were talking for a while and suddenly we realized that we weren’t going to lose the last train. So we ran quickly to the station but it was too late! And we decided to make a party in our friend’s flat!
After the night, we packed our entire things and went quickly to the station to go back to Castelló.

                It was short but we did all we could do and we were so, so, so, so tired!! Buff!! But it worth it and we have decided to return!! =)

                See you!

Smoke or not to smoke?, that's the question!

Should we ban smoking in all public places?

                This is a complicated topic because nowadays there are more and more smoking people in our society, I mean, a lot of people want to smoke in public places because they need it. So, if we ban smoking in all public places there will be a huge amount of citizens disappointed.

                But, in the other hand, it’s disgusting when a non smoking person goes into a bar and he/she can’t see anything or doesn’t stay very long because of the smoke. Other reason we should ban smoking in public places is children. In my opinion, if smoking is very bad for adults, it’s even unhealthier for children. And they have the same right than an adult to stay in a café with his parents, enjoying an air without smoke.

                So, banning smoking in all public places will produce disappointments indeed.
In conclusion, I believe that the solution isn’t ban smoke in ALL public places; we should adapt the places for non smoking and smoking people. And with the buildings with public organizations, I think that it must be forbidden to smoke.

                But, as I said before, this is a very complicated topic and I’m sure that lots of people have many opinions about this. So, we only can expect that the government finds out the best solution, isn’t it??

                See you soon!!!

jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010

Religion in schools.

     Should be religion taught in Spanish public schools?

     Spain had been traditionally a catholic state and had been closely linked with religion. Spain's history is full of kings and, more recently dictators, that obliged people to believe in catholic religion, and as a consequence the population has a strong feeling for the Church, even in the last years. But nowadays there are lots of people that are considered atheist and what is more, with the restoration of monarchy and the democracy, the Spanish Constitution confirm the right of Spanish people to religious freedom.

     That's why, in my opinion, religion shouldn't be taught in public schools. Each person could choose if he wants to be taught religion and if it's a yes, he must go to the church, not to the schools.

martes, 16 de noviembre de 2010


Hi! I’m here again!!!

                Today I’m going to talk about Marina, a book written by Carlos Ruíz Zafon.
Marina is a mystery novel that is set in Barcelona in the XX century.

                 The book is about the story of a boy (Oscar) who uses to walk around Barcelona. In one of his walks, he meets Marina and her father, and step by step he become good friend with the father and in love with Marina.

                Both Oscar and Marina are trying to find out the mystery of an old factory that there was in Barcelona 40 years ago; and that will become a great adventure.

                I strong recommend it, because is a book which you enjoy and spend a good time. In the novel there are dramas, mystery, adventures, love…So I think that is a book that would like everybody.

                Please READ IT!!!=) I’m sure it will be one of your favorite books!!(And is a best seller!!!!)

                Hope you enjoy it!!

                See you soon!!!! :D

sábado, 13 de noviembre de 2010

Barcelona :D

Hi Barcelonaaaaa!!!!=)

                We have some friends that are studying in Barcelona, so we decided to make them a visit!!

            We are going to the city in two weeks, and I'm so excited!!! :D

             The plan is to sleep in a friend’s flat and spend there all the weekend. I guess we will visit Barcelona, some friends show us their flats and we will go to some famous disco or pub from there.

             So, this afternoon we are going to book the train ticket and start to prepare all the things to spend a wonderful weekend!!

             I tell you about this mini-holidays sooner!!

Blood donation!

Last week there were lots of nurses and doctors at the university. At first I was worried: I didn’t know what was happening! But then I realized that some members of the hospital were there because they wanted us to donate blood.
             So, I decided to be a blood donor. After some questions about my health like my weight, if I live with a person with AIDS and thing like that, I was ready to donate!!=)
I lie down in a couch, then the doctor came, and before I found out, we had finished.
             I didn’t get dizzy but some of my friends did, but quickly the doctors solve the problem. After the donation they gave you a coke and a sandwich.
             Blood donation is a good action that don’t take you a lot but can help lots of people!=)

viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2010


Hi!!! I’m here again!!=)

                Last night I went out with my class mates and it was so, so, so funny!!=D
We went to a house’s mate and eat something there while we were talking about our new life at the university. After that we went to have some beers at a famous square in Castelló called La Muralla. And when we finish we went to Ettro, a disco!!!

                    I enjoy so much the night because we were talking about our degree and about our life and this way we could know each other better.

                I hope to repeat that night because it was so great!! And I hope the next time could come some friends, because last night they didn’t!!

                See yooou!!!! =)

The Pillars of the Earth.

I’ve just read “The Pillars of the Earth” by Ken Follet.
                The book is about the construction of a cathedral in the fictional town of Kingbridge, in England. During the building, the workers have lots of problems: money, lack of builders, treason… Even though, finally they can build the best cathedral in the whole England.
                “The Pillars of the Earth” is an interesting book, although it’s long enough. If you like the architecture, make sure you enjoy it. On the other hand, if you dislike it, maybe you will be bored in some parts, for example when the cathedral is described, but I’m sure that it will be small parts and you will continue reading because is an exciting book.
                Personally, I enjoy the reading but, as I say before, I get bored in some parts because I don’t like the description of the different parts and element of the architectural.
                The book was so successful that a serial was made.
                So, I strong recommend the book, but if you don’t like reading, you can see the serial.

                 See you soon!!!=D